There's something missing in this game...
Shadow the Hedgehog is out to find out about his past. and learns a lot of stuff that could change Shadow's future. it's pretty interesting to see all of what shadow thiks what's souposed to happen.
To change Shadow from becoming either good or bad you must complete either the Hero or Dark Mission. which are usually find the item,Kill the bad/good guys or reach the end. which get kind of repetive but worth it at the end to see what Shadow Decides to do.
In this game you get to use guns. they only really good guns are the ones that come up the most.
2 player could use some work all it is is just following each other and killing each other as Shadow as in Shadow VS. Shadow (when you play the game you'll understand why there's more than one shadow.
There's just something that makes me not want to fall in love with this game like i did with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (one of the best sonic games
) also one more thing to mention. the people who follow you talk all the time and are annoying. and when shadow get's hit all he's says is "Damn" over and over then when you die he says "Damn, not here."
Maybe that's the reason A cussing Sonic game.. though i'll play GTA and love all of the point less violence but just not in a Sonic game.
I give Shadow the Hedgehog a