I found this game very dissapointing to play. Why does Shadow swear? It turns a popular kids game into a Snore game!!!

User Rating: 2.5 | Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice) GC
The sound acting was terrible. I found Shadow's script really made no sense? Where did Chaos Blast come from? It's like a giant Portal ball of death. And Tails had such a little appreance, Tails is cute and you only gave him 2 levels that you could finish in atleast 6 minutes and the others get 11 or more. Eggman's robots were fairly weak and when you attack them, your evil meter goes up? Why not Good. Isn't Eggman bad? The ending battle was not really appealling to me. Killing a giant Doom, A few puny attacks kill him. In conclusion. The camera actions were terrible, you could look in the sky and in 1 mill-second you would turn around. You could jump and you would go far and die. This game is a other Sonic Heroes. This is my rating score.

Story:5/10 It was a giant snooze fest.
Scripts/Speech:3/10 They were talking really weirdly, though had a few Easter Eggs. Ex:Soldier yelling: ''Is Yugi Naka all right?
Character screen time:5/10 They didn't really appear much.
Overall score: E-

The game is worth playing if you are a Sonic fan.

Play this game at your own risk.