Sonic team create, The First Adventure of Shadow anothers game on Sonic saga

User Rating: 7.6 | Shadow the Hedgehog PS2
The game is a excelent game, if you are a Sonic saga fan, because the game is on the style of the others sonic games, the only new thing on this game is the change of Sonic for Shadow.
The dificult is just that you need for to enjoy the game,
This game have diferent ends, but are not dificult to find the new's ending.
On this game Shadows show us, all his speed and strentgh, May be you think later Who is the shadow of who?
If you was played some Sonic game don't have learning course because the control are tecnically the same.
I recommend rent this game if you aren't a Sonic Fan and If you are a Sonic fan don't think just buy it.

El juego es excelente, si eres un fan de la saga de Sonic, por que el juego es del mismo estilo de los otros juegos de Sonic, la unica cosa diferente en este jueo es el cambio de Sonic por Shadow.
La dificultad es la que se necesita para disfrutar el juego.
Este juego tiene diferentes finales, pero no es dificil de encontrar los nuevos finales,
En este juego Shadow nos muestra a nosotros, toda su velocidad y fuerza, talvez te haga pensar Quien es la Sombra de Quien?
Si has jugado un Sonic no tendras que aprender a jugar, el control es tecnicamente el mismo.
Yo recomiendo que si no eres un fna de la saga de Sonic rentalo y si eres un fan de Sonic no pienses solo compralo.