An awsome game, considering with the new "guns" feature and i dont know why some people give this game such low score.. people say its only for sonic fans out there. I myself isn't even a sonic fan yet i love this game!. Some of the cut scenes are superb graphics but gameplay would have need a lil more work but besides that, its awsome. Gameplay.. there is over .. 50 missions, different ending, outcomes etc.. It depends on which missions you do it on (neutral, hero or villan). Its pretty fast pace, i dont know why some people say its slow.. maybe those people cant handle the game to make it fast enough??? Some of the missions are pretty hard, but you will get used to it as you keep playing.
Other Helpful Reviews for Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice)
Sega really has out done themselves with this title. Really, I mean it, but in a bad way. There are only a few games that are as bad as this game, and even fewer that were worse then it. But if you're a seven year old ki... Read Full Review
This game is absolutley awesome, in my opinion. There are many different paths, and ways you can go. Many weapons to choose from, wide-stages. This is a game for sonic fans, all the way! this game reveals all about... Read Full Review