Hard controls, but sega did NOT disappoint.
This game is challenging and actually lets you choose how to act. That is something I liked about it. Normally when a commercial says "good or evil you decide" they actually force the choice on you and shoot one in the back before you buy the game. This game, however, allows you to choose hero, villain, rebellious android/ eggman murderer, destroyer of gun and the whole world, and many other thins I myself haven't unlocked yet.
This game makes shadow a bit of a ninja at points. They give him hatanas, broad swords, and even speed limit signs to slice your enemies with. But that alone makes him a ninja not. He also has wall jumps, martial art skills and can run/sit on walls.
This games controls are flawed though by the breakneck and usually suicidal speed at which shadow moves and accellerates. Also when he's moving at top speed, he has slow, long turns when most of them are turn-on-a-dime situations. Also, since most of the stages are jacked up, due to the alien attacks, you have VERY few points where you can just rush recklessly and suicidally down the road. Plus most of them have alien spawn blobs blocxking them. But a good point is that shodw can activate anti-gravity while fireing in mid-jump, making short work of the.
Another flaw is that if your allies hit you and you retaliate your pointed out as a traitor and screamed at by your mission adviser(dooms eye/ sonic gang). But only black arms actually deliberately attacks you until the two-eye-colored freak of a commander gives orders to murder you( jerk).
The final bad point is in the frequent, annoying, and usually during Devistating times complete slowdown of game movement. They seem immune to the equally annoying and doubly as frequent load screens that seem to take hours to finish up.
Well thats all I can think to say. They stepped up in maturity with guns, robbery, harsh language, and murder(but still no total nudity or sex(too bad). They made the game more fun by mixing it up with character, number of choices, and story. They did not disapoint. I'm givin' a full 10 to this thing.
P.S. I have more than one choice for clssification, so here it goes: higly addictive, best in series(all sonic/shaow games), masterpiece, revolutionary, under appreciated, worth playing, and rocks.
P.P.S. Difficulty: just right to hard(occaisionally very hard)
P.P.P.S.I'll probably spend years playing it but that time is for the second this review was made.