This game is too good for words. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay s good and since you can complete it in loads of different ways, you won't get bored of it for a very long time. The guns in the game are a great addition. The missions in the game are challenging, but not so hard since I completed it once within 2 hours. This isn't a problem because there are a lot of other ways to complete it, like I mentioned earlier. After the first mission, the game gets split into three missions in one, Dark, Normal and Hero. The mission you choose decides which path you take through the numerous levels. You can change your level mission using the pause menu, although as you go near the main characters in the game, they usually give you a mission (Hero, Dark, Normal) though you can still change it. The camera is slightly uncooperative, but it's easy to live with.
2005. What a video gamers year! PSP, DS, 360 and other consoles were rocking (apart from the Wii, give that a year) But a game that people SAY is the worst game in 2005, isn't. I t isn't. I'm talking about Shadow the Hed... Read Full Review
Now i'm a true sonic fan who once collected the sonic magazines, reading all the storys of sonic and in the middle of the comic use to be the mega drive game codes, cheats, and peoples art pictures that they had drawn. ... Read Full Review