I don't know what you people are talking about.. THIS GAME ROCKS!!
The amount of fighting is phononemal. You always have something to shoot, or kill. With the wide varity of weapons make the game even better, going from a desert eagle to a rocket launcher. The new powers (depending on how you play) are a great addition. The power I have seen is chaos bomb, which almost immeadiatly wipes out everything on the screen. The action and guns get a 9/10.
The music applies great to the game. It gives the game a better feelling of whats happaning and the location. The music fits in great. The sound of guns fireing, things exploding, and speed is great. It's almost like you can sense it around you. The music gets a 8.5/10.
The story line is cool also. Depending on how you use your powers, to destroy or help, is a great feture. The story line is a good one also. You can team up with black whatever(forgot the name) or help sonic and his pals.The plot and storyline gets a 9/10.
Overall this game totally rocks and gets a rating of 9/10, You should really get this game, It will rock your world.