Good, but nowhere near perfect.

User Rating: 8.1 | Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice) GC
Right, most Sonic fans probably remember what happened when Shadow the hedgehog was announced. Atually most people where either saying something like:

"Oh GOD! What the **** are Sega thinking? why the hell give him a gun?!?!?!"
(Mainly Shadow-haters and 'Classics' fans where saying this


"OMG This games gonna be cool."
(Mainly said by Shadow fanboys)

Well here it is, and most people are saying its crap or its perfect (and some people saying 'Its OK'). Well heres my review, and I used to be a bit of a Shadow fanboy but Im not anymore! (Thanks to Sonic Heroes)

Waaaaaaaaaaay to simmiler to Sonic Heroes. Not saying they're bad, but when the first screens for this game came out i thought it was just a hoax and was probably some hack for Sonic Heroes. Now they are improved, pretty good but nothing brilliant.

Guns sound realistic enough (apart from alien guns), and all the usuall jumping, ring-collecting sounds are there, nothing changes. Apart from the voice actors. When I herd that Sega where replacing the voice actors with Sonic X's voice actors (probably due to Eggmans old voice actor dying last year :( ) I thought they would be crap. But they did a better job than I expected! (although Chaotix's voice actors suck apart from Espios). Oh, and as in most Sonic games (apart from Sonic heroes...) the soundtrack is brilliant, and the theme song 'I am' is probably the best one yet.

Although Gamespot say the guns arn't useful, I think theyre very useful, especialy against bosses. Still a bit awkward without a form of manual lock-on (locks on to the nearest enemy, good or bad guy automaticly) but apart form that the guns work quite well. There could still have been more work on that part though. And Shadow goes from walking to running waay to quickly. Also, the levels are well designed, especialy considering the multiple missions and the ability to change the storyline throughout the single-player. The multiple endings are a nice touch, but most of the time the last boss is Eggmans slot-machine thing. Not good, needed more different bosses. Oh, and there are more than 300 ways to compleate the game, but if you have the time to do that then you need to get a life. Still, Gameplays Good, but yet again could have had some improvement, but probably the third-best bit of the game, the second being the soundtrack and the third being...

Most of this games' storylines (about 12 endings? I cant remember) are good, and the ability to change Shadows past is defenatly a good thing, and the Bosses which ARE NOT Eggmans spider-slot maching thing are usually followed with good storylines, and the whole past-changing thing goes straight back to that incident 50 years ago on the ARK. Yup, flashback levels which are atually pretty good. Although there are multiple endings, there is only one true ending, and thats after compelating all the different endings. I havnt played this ending yet, but from what Ive herd, its good (and yes, Super Shadow makes a return :) ).

Sucks. Do not even bother with it. Just 2 'Shadows' trying to kill each other. Waste of time, dont bother with it, no, no, no, NO. Defenatly the worst part of the game.

Ok, this game caused a big uproar on Sonic fansites, and if your looking through the reviews then you'll notice alot of people sayings its crap (probably without having played it that much) and even more people giving it 10.0 (Shadow fanboys, defenatly). I think its a great game myself, but I can see why people might not like it otherwise. If you dont play Sonic games much then dont even think of getting this game, you wont like it too much. If you do like Sonic games but dont want to try something different then dont buy this game. If you like Sonic games and dont mind something a bit different then still only get it if you like Shadow. For Shadow fans the game's perfect, for everyone else its either ok, not too good or crap.