Dont know why you people are bagging it! It is a fantastic game with great graphics and sound. The wepons are really cool. The only problem I have with it is trying to help the gun people stand up. And unlike most games the characters actually speak and the mouth movement is perfect. Okay, obviously your Shadow. Your trying to find out about your past because in Sonic Adventure 2 you plommet down from the space station Ark and everyone thinks your dead. But been the Ultimate Life form you survive. But you are affected by amnesia. So you go on a quest to find the chaos emeralds and get back your memory. You can choose to be good or evil. All in all a fun game! GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!
2005. What a video gamers year! PSP, DS, 360 and other consoles were rocking (apart from the Wii, give that a year) But a game that people SAY is the worst game in 2005, isn't. I t isn't. I'm talking about Shadow the Hed... Read Full Review
Now i'm a true sonic fan who once collected the sonic magazines, reading all the storys of sonic and in the middle of the comic use to be the mega drive game codes, cheats, and peoples art pictures that they had drawn. ... Read Full Review