Worth a passing glance
The concept of having multiple choices in a level to give you alittle variety instead of the usual 'Get to the goal ring' (which there is in the game if you wish to do this) is a good idea but does get alittle boring as alot of the time it is just the same thing the whole way through the game, "Destroy this, kill that", it can get alittle annoying as it doesn't add much depth to the game itself. Having a character following you around and helping you thorugh the level can be fun (if it's sonic or his friends, as they help fight enemies). The guns add a nice touch to the gameplay as you can take out enemies now without the use of homing attack and I don't see why alot of people would of liked an aimer as the gun's lock on to the enemies but it can be annoying if you are trying to not attack a certain side. The chaos control moves are fun to use but is disapointing how little chaos moves there were.
The graphics are still rubbish as they seem to be nearly identical to the sonic heroes graphics, but the CG cinematics are beautifully done as usual. The sound's are the classic sonic sounds that we have come to know and love, and once more Jun Senoue has returned as sound director and gives it his all, and Crush 40 give some great songs aswell as the other bands Jun helped.
How ever, i feel that 326 ending is way to many as no one but no one is going to sit there and play the game 326 times, I myself could not bear to hear the words "This is WHO I AM" 326 times without hitting my t.v. Also, running into the same boss twice gets irritating, but the, there is a few paths you can take in that you don't run into any bosses, save the last boss.
So in conclusion i would say, if your think about getting it, rent it first and if you want to then buy it.
Thanks for reading ;)