Shadow the Hedgehog is a Sega game that goes beyond the Sonic series, It is truly a work of art.
Anyway...the story starts out as Shadow sitting in a nice little park outside of Westopolis(city the game starts out in) wondering of his past. He only remembers his Name; Shadow the Hedgehog, and Maria, a good freind of his. While trying to remember his past a Dark Alien race comes to Earth and immediatly starts attacking Westopolis. Watching Civilians get taken over by the aliens, Shadow starts to leave, when the leader of the black aliens known as BLACK DOOM approaches Shadow saying he knows of Shadow's past. Shadow wanting to know of his past follows the order of BLACK DOOM and heads toward Westopolis, starting the adventure of his life.
Starting from the first level to the last bossfight you alter the storyline and Shadow's life. Does he follow the good? does he turn evil? or does he follow his own way? you make it! Your actions decide one of the eleven different endings.
The most impressive improvement to Shadow the Hedgehog is the gun control. While looking at a black and crimson hegehog hold a SMG or lazer sounds childish but once you use the guns in this game you will think differently. The amount of weaponry in this game is very unique, being able to choose from a simple pistol to a sattelite lazer is amazing, and sometimes destructive. A unique feature of the guns in this game is their lock-on feature, which the game fires the bullets to the enemy on its own. This is quite fun. Along with the guns Shadow can control a vast variety of vehicles and even turrets! He can run over, and blow up enemies withe the MotorCycles, Jeeps, hover discs, and even Black Birds! Whats even better, you can fire your weaponry at your foes while on the vehicles too....
Conclusion: Shadow The Hedgehog is a game you should play, if you are a Sonic fan you will love it. If you want to see what Sonic games are like, get this game or at least rent it. Its a nicely developed game and worth playing.