This is something like Fallout Tactics, but failed as a whole gaming experience. Keep out!

User Rating: 5.7 | Shadow Vault PC
Please refer to the review below me for a more detailed gameplay overview. For me, it's more of a complaining session from a dedicated fan of turn-based strategy like the Fallout series or Jagged Alliance series.

Shadow Vault started off quite entertaining for a while with a promising premise of a present day military alliance to protect Earth from space invaders of the future. Wow! It's a trap! The story becomes senseless midway through and is more of a distraction to an otherwise surprisingly fun and challenging combat strategy game.

I managed to complete it after some 30 hours since I really love this genre, no matter the lousy production values, but it had to piss me off with an outrageously anti-climax ending! It's an innovative approach, but it doesn't satisfy cos it makes no sense, and it actually infuriates the gamer. I don't want to spoil it for you (if you're intending to play it) but I guarantee that you will have the same baffling disgust as I have when you are presented with this so-called fruits of your labor for completing it. I took out the game disc and broke it into two. If you've managed to download it somehow to play, you will cut the entire game folder onto a disc and break it into two.
