Shadow warrior 2? or borderland 3 starting lo wang?

User Rating: 6 | Shadow Warrior 2 PC

When Shadow warrior 2 was announced. I was very excited. then they say its less linear. i was more excited. i thought this could be rival to Doom 2016 but i was wrong. they turn this game into borderldand. its a borderland if borderland was good game but thats not really an achievement to make a loot shooter better than borderland because anyone can.

shadow warrior reboot was great game despite some heavy flaws and this game may improve combat system but everything else is step forward. you cant die in this game instead respawn and you only loss your money. RPG elements absolutely suck in this game so is upgrades.

Game is waay too short even. the main missions are less than 6 hours. i mean previous game was surprising long. level design also suck. most of levels feel very similar to others and every missions feel exact same.

Graphics is just terrible. i mean seriously this is 2016 and worst character model i have seen in years. a 10 YEAR OLD CRYSIS LOOKS BETTER THAN THIS!!

Meelee and combat are only saving grace for this game. and because of that. game is just barely ok. its not a bad game, but no where near as good as positive steam reviews and such. this is not old school shooter. this is borderlands clone

so my conclusion is: Its worth playing and quite fun but as an experience its not very good. ok game. fun game.


  • combat improved upon previous game
  • lo wang is pretty funny and badass. (however he potray much better in SW 2013)
  • Its heavily optimize and run great on any system
  • no drm
  • Excellent Meelee


  • Too shot
  • Too easy even on harder difficulty
  • Borderlands loot system ruined the experience
  • Lo wang and kamiko has no where near chemistry like lo wang and hoji
  • terrible level design and all missions feel exact same
  • still weak gunplay
  • shitty story and characters
  • bad graphics and character models (worst i have ever seen)

All in all. its Alright game. not bad but not great either