Best PvP game on the market to date.

User Rating: 9.5 | Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion PC
By far the best PvP game I have ever played. Ive played every free MMO and all the populer p2p ones, including WoW, Diablo II, Guild wars, etc..

Although the game is free i advise not to look down on it. This former P2P game has lasted me ever since its release in 2003 and to this date I still play it fairly actively and it has my title for the best MMORPG ever. This game is NOT FOR NOOBS!!! To play you must have a guild, and you have to prepare to be ganked ALOT!!! This game has no PvM aspects at all aside from lvling, which it takes 2 days to get to max level. The game is all about skill. You can get the best gear VERY easily, as all it takes are recources. Thiefs can steal directly from inventorys EVERYWHERE but the 3 safeholds (about 1% of the games map) and you can kill players everywhere but the 3 safeholds. You can build your own city. And as said before this game is pure PvP and ALOT of fun for hardcore PvPers like myself. You lose all your inventory when you die, as there is player corpse looting.

Again, not for noobs, VERY FUN!!! I suggest this game for all hardcore PvPers everywhere. Very difficult game for noobs to get a foothold in. But never the less it is still to this date an awesome game, with a very dedicated community that is growing everyday, lots of hate in this game, just how you should like it.
