Counterstrike with magic, sign me up.
The game is controlled like many other fps game with teh right trigger shooting your gun and all your magic (which you can hold 3 of at one time) is held on 1 of the 3 free shoulder buttons. I love this gameplay, it starts with you buying your magic, techs and guns and then carries on to a two team capture the flag style game, when you hold the flag you have to get it to the designated point. with the flag in hand you go round in a 3rd person view and you can use the flag as a weapon, but if you use any of your other weapons or magic you will drop the flag. The weapons and abbilities are split into 3 catagories, Weapons which is all your guns and your Katana (which is an acient japaneese sword and is very effective), Techs which is basiclly technology, things like wings to make your character glide, something that gives you an extra level opf zoom with every weapon and also makes it impossible to friendly fire and also your granades. And finally there is your magic, which includes healing trees (does exactly what it says on the tin) and teleport which moves you 8-10 feet in the direction you where moving. You can use a limited amount of magic which brings stratergy to the game and each race can use mor or less. There are 4 races in total all with there own uneque abilities, advantages and weaknesses. The game looks ok but still not the best looking game on the xbox 360, the sound is pretty good too, tall the guns sound powerful and each magic has its own sound effect.
To sum this game up, it is by all means not the best fps i have played but definately the best out there on the xbox 360 so far.