Shadowrun Kicks ass :)

User Rating: 9.6 | Shadowrun X360
When i first heard about this game i was put of from all the major reviewers saying this game is basically crap, but when i was signed in to xbox live and seen how many people in may actually friend list was playing it i was shocked nearly every single one had stoped playing gears of war and was playing shadowrun.
I spoke to one of my main xbox friends and he said the game was awsome why havant you got it allready so i headed down to me local game shop and purchased it got home started playing it and straight away i really enjoyed it.
I was confused by way it got such a low score in so many reviews, the games fun ok so there is only three game modes big deal lol there is only one game mode in cricket, rugby, and football and people dont moan about them.
The weapons are cool and the magic abilites are wicked i love teleporting through walls and summing monsters to attack the oppisite side.
Overall i think this game is wicked and i am upset on how over people have reviewed this game fair enough there isnt a single player ( how many people bother to play GOW single player of COD single player they just play the multiplayer)