Pretty Fun... If you like Dwarves shooting you with shotguns
Online only eh? This enough is strong enough to make a few people go crazy and catch it on fire. I was expecting some crazy game where corporate scumbags go aroung killing all these freedom fighters in a crazy campaign. Whoops!!! There goes that idea.
Whats the online like then, its fun...until you die. No my friends this isnt your traditional FPS, when you die you stare at your dead body until someone resurrects you with magic. Of course you can stare at other peoples dead bodies, why not have a big corpse fest? The matches are fun dont get me wrong, but dieing just sucks. You die, there goes the fun. So you might be asking "But Vrygar, Master Chief wouldnt die like a little wussy, he could go on forever." Master Chief doesnt need teamwork, in fact this is pretty much known to you since Halo 1. So how do you last longer??? Use teamwork. Dont run around alone, lone wolves are the first to die.
Spells are great ways to help out the team. You can spawn a healing tree to save your allies from an early grave, or summon a big monster to guard the entrance to that all-important flag room. Creativity is the key, being preicse is also the key.
Theres four races: Humans(More tech than magic), Elves(Mostly magical, but fragile to boot), Dwarves(Magic suckers[literally suckers] that negate your magic abilitys) and Trolls(not that magical but is a tank).
There is Bot matches and they are pretty challenging, of course there bullet fodder at lower difficulties.
This is a great game, but the lack of more offline modes made it pretty much a useless game unless you have XBL.