i have spent many weekends playing shadowrun on live, the only thing i wish they had was a story mode or a 2 player coop offline because the only thing you can do offline is play with bots and do the training. I also think that there should be more weapons. for example, instead of just a sniper rifle i think they should have psg1 and scout tacticals, and each weapons should have there advantages and disadvantages. this is a great game is you are not willing to spend over $40 for a game, but you still want a great game. so if you love online play with all of your friends then shadowrun is the game for you.
I have been a fan of the old-school pen-and-paper RPG for many years, and when I heard it was finally getting a video game installment, (the previous ones on the Sega and Super Nintendo do not elude me, but I felt it was... Read Full Review
All I can say is "wow!" This game has been on my radar since about a year ago or so, and ever since then, the revolutionary concepts described by the developers that would be implimented into their multiplay... Read Full Review