Shadowrun- Think Counter Strike with Magic and you will be in the thick of it.
Two sides battle for the rights of magic. The RNA company fights to regulate and profit from magic while the Linage fights for Unregulated use. In my opinion nethier side is specificaly the "Bad Guys". as both sides have valid points.
The Game-play is your basic Shooter with a Twist... MAGIC. You can now weald superanatural force from resurrecting fallen comrades to created trees that radiate health. Sound wierd but the game puts it together very well and it just adds to the compitition and fun. I love the fact that if ressurected, the player to have ressurected you is directly tied to your health. He dies, you Bleed out until you die. The game is a strickly multi player oriented game but does include bot practice and tutorials of the games machanics. This however makes the game totaly lack a story of any kind other than two sides fighting for magic.
The graphics of the game arent flashy but are quiet adiquate and well done. If run on a top knotch computer their actually quit good looking. Textures and Details could have used some polishing but overall the look is quit nice. The games weapons are comprised of your everyday Sun-machine gun, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, Assault rifle and even the Katana for Close Quaters Combat. As well as in integrated "Money" system. The better you do in a match the more money you get. With the money you can buy Weapons and Powerups for both your outfit and magic stash.
So i leave this review with the words "Try it or Buy it, but at least Try it.