Solid, Fun, and interesting this game is obviously meant for the hard-core and will make casual gamers cry with pain.

User Rating: 9.2 | Shadowrun X360
I have been a fan of the old-school pen-and-paper RPG for many years, and when I heard it was finally getting a video game installment, (the previous ones on the Sega and Super Nintendo do not elude me, but I felt it was time for an update), I was ecstatic. Then I found out it was a team based first person shooter, and my heart sank. I immediately found myself judging this game as a failure for running away from its roots......boy, was I wrong!

The learning curve in this game is very high, and the AI will punish you.....but the characters each have their pluses and minuses and knowing how to use these pluses and minuses effectively is what will win the game.

There are several spells and tech to choose from and it will keep the action playing fresh, and joining a match late means you will be severely out matched as you buy these spells and techs during match startups. The tech and spells from the previous match carry over and you get more money for more spells and tech (kinda like leveling up....)

I felt a sense of pride when I flew over enemies in a glider, threw a demon down on top of them and teleported through a nearby wall to laugh as I see their deaths flash up in my HUD! I also enjoyed raining lead unto enemies while not hitting allies as my Troll ignored the damage and the aiming implant made sure my allies weren't caught up in my barrage.

There is also humans, who, while not having a big essence pool, have a cool ability to ignore tech penalties and go straight cyborg on people while other races have to make do with one or two tech implants.

Essence is the force you use for casting spells, and it regenerates differently depending on race.

There is alot complex and creative ways to make your character play in this game, but you will have to play fast or die even faster. (Don't let death scare you, as players can buy a resurrection spell as well.)

Indeed there have been games I have played where my entire team had died and finished the same game with all of my teammates alive at the end.

Again, if you are new to the game, you will be punished and it doesn't break in easily, but it will truly feel rewarding when you find the character that plays how you want them too. I would suggest a rental before a purchase as casual gamers will have a hard time adjusting and may think poorly of a game that punishes them so badly.....