Very addictive Great game

User Rating: 9.7 | Shadowrun X360
Being a beta tester I already knew what to expect but this game has even surpassed my expectations. The game play takes a little while to learn but all you have to do is go through the training missions a few times and you'll be ready to get into the game. This game kept my attention for roughly 14 hours and I only turned it off becauseI have to get up early in the AM. But rest assured I will be playing tomorrow as soon as I can. The great thing about this game is it never gets boring. Where you can beat a single player only so many times this game is always evolving because the players are always changing and the strategy is always changing. You have 4 races to choose from each with specific qualities You have 8 weapons ang gernades 5 tech abilities (glider,enhanced vision,antimagic,smartlink,wired reflexes)
7 magic abilities(resurrect,tree of life,strangle, gust, smoke,teleport,and summon)
For a multiplayer this game is deep with endless variety of options. And the best part is you need to play like a team to win. Not many games stress teamwork like this one. The only problem i had today was logging on to the server was a bit slow but I'm sure its an XBL issue or the servers weren't ready for the amount of traffic.