Shadowrun provides one of the funnest Xbox Live experiences you will ever have. Single player what?

User Rating: 8.8 | Shadowrun X360
Building up to release day, many people on online forums complained that this game Shadowrun either was going to suck since it had no single player, was just a bastardization of an old franchise, or didn't have enough game modes. While I admit I had some skeptic thoughts about this game, hell I thought it be high A material at best, everything I predicted about the game was blown out the door the moment I popped the disc in.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet: The gameplay in Shadowrun is absolutely perfect. The mix between magic and gun warfare creates a fresh new experience in the FPS genre. With out the magic and everything, this would be a very boring game. But everything Shadowrun lacks like single player and game variants, it makes up in the great online experience it provides. The online community is already one of the best compared to other games. Not once have I come across one of the typical 14 year old Halo players (who have migrated to Gears as well) that swear and use racial slurs to overcompensate for their small stature and high pitched voice. Everyone online works well together, covers each other, resurrects each other, and just generally communicates well. And for the Windows experience, don't think that no one bought the PC version, because they definitely did. I have come across plenty of users playing the Vista version of the game and there have been no huge advantage for them using the mouse compared to the game pad on the 360. I know a lot of people wrote off Shadowrun being that it didn't receive the best pre launch hype, but I'm sure as hell glad I didn't buy into the negative hype coming from the internet, I would of missed out on one of the best Xbox Live experiences on the 360.