The game still won't work with SLi on my machine, and the matchmaking system is terrible

User Rating: 6.1 | Shadowrun PC
Title says it all. The biggest peeve I've got is the matchmaking system. It's worse than horrible. The game, for whatever reason, cannot seem to find any dedicated servers in my area - and I live in Dallas/Fort Worth. I therefore am required to resort to the "quick start" option, which is anything but quick. It takes a good 4-5 minutes to even find a game, and the connection reliability is horrible. Additionally, there does not seem to be any voice support for Vista users. The game consistently crashes whenever I try to run by vid cards in SLi config, so big time negative points there.

There are also some small bugs in the tutorials that nobody from FASA can seem to address in their own forums.

All around, stay away from this game. It's far too expensive for what you get.