Shadowrun- This game is absolutley awesome! But there are some problems which need to be sorted out

User Rating: 8.6 | Shadowrun X360
Shadowrun is a online multiplayer game where the player is one of four races (elf,troll,human or dwarf) and you are on one of two teams , lineage or RNA Corp. This is a first person shooter game which resembles counterstrike in a few ways but with also magic . Teleporting behind someone and stabbing them with a katana is pretty cool!
However there are downsides like the fact there is no storyline or no single player modes except bot matches. Also there is a huge problem with lag and the matchmaking does remind me of Halo but matches can be ruined by lag lasting up to 10 minutes ! Has happened to me quite a few times . They worked on this game for a long time but still have major issues that they need to sort out .The game is not very difficult to play as you can revive your teammates and can get minions to kill enemies for you ! This is a very good game with faults basically everyone should get this game