A great multiplayer but its a shame that ther is no story mode. Halo 2 Multiplayer x5. BUY IT.

User Rating: 8.6 | Shadowrun X360
This game is nothing like the old shadowrun, but I never played the old one any way so it doesn't bother me any! If you like Halo 2's Multiplayer than you will love this because it x5 better and it adds a ton of new twists to the FPS genre. It is a lot like Counterstrike (or so I hear from friends. I've never played that game...) because of the money system. Most races, which include humans, elfs, trolls, and dwarfs, will start with only two-thousand dollars at the begining of the match to spend on either weapons, magic, or hi-tech scifi gear. As the game goes on you will earn more money by doing positive thing like killing the enemy scoring with the flag (AKA the artifact) and you will ose money for friendly fire and team killing. At the beginging of each round you will have a short time to buy to your hearts content. Or until you run out of cash. Any way moving on to the gameplay. There are two teams in Shadowrun. The lineage which consists of a bunch of Brazilian Rebels. And the RNA Corp. which consists of the government's agents. In one game type called raid the RNA will defend the flag and hunt down the lineage and the lineage will try to grab the flag and deliver it to a specific point on the map. There is another game type calle extraction in which both teams will try to deliver the flag and defend the other teams delivery point. Of course there is the simple minded killing game type called Atrition. You do have the options of playing with bots by your self mainly for training perposes. The multiplayer matches can Vary from 4v4 to 6v6 to 8v8. If you are still playing Halo2 Mutiplayer and you love it then get this game it is worth it if you love FPS Multi Player.