A true cyberpunk game.

User Rating: 9.7 | Shadowrun SNES
Shadowrun is, without a doubt one of the greatest games to ever grace the Snes and still is a fantastic game to date.
A game that, surprisingly not many people know about, but that’s just the beauty of it. Unspoiled, sacred, the underdog if you like. A bit like what COR: Butcher Bay did for the PC… lots of hard work but none of the hype… a rare gem. For those of you that have played, I’m sure you’ll agree, there was nothing quite like rounding up a posse of cyberpunks and deckers together from a nearby club (providing you had enough money or good negotiating skills), then doing some damage on Drake Towers, both with brute force and a lot of ice-breaking/hacking, then strolling out with a fat wedge of cash and a whole load of exp to boost up your implants.

The darkness, roaming the streets at night, having secret meetings in random apartments and clubs/bars, building up your knowledge library… finding out you’ve got a cortex bomb implanted in your skull! That coupled with the very dark cyberpunk music makes this one of the most atmospheric, action-packed and thought provoking games of it’s time. For me, this game will always remain to be one of the best and that’s including with what’s out there now ‘cos let’s face it, there ain’t half some crap out there. Ideas and styles have been passed down/borrowed/taken from this game to other games and films for years (you know who you are).

This wasn’t much of a review, but it was more of a homage to my first computer gaming love. :)

“Can’t stop, the weasels are closing in!” - Dancing Hippie!