The most #@!@ up game iv'e ever played crude rude and just insane, this may be a vary short game but you gotta play it.
When starting "shadows of the damned" you will encounter johnson whetley in portal 2 that makes a cameo in the damned as johnson the side kick. odd but funny as hell. if you ever wanted to know what actually happened to whetley in portal 2, then i'll leave this to your imagination.
The story's about a guy who tries at any means nessecary persues he's girlfriend that becomes taken away, because garcia became to careless realising that one day the darkness that he hunts will come back to haunt him when most vulnerable. and that's where the game starts out.
Game play:
Shadows of the damned runs very much against the unreal engine and plays very much like resident evil 4. strong resemblance with resident evil 4. while the graphics maybe average it's the ride that you will enjoy.
Set in 3rd person world, it feels and plays like resident evil 4 but at most parts the sounds sound familiar to silent hill from the genius akira yamoaka that made the original will not be in the upcoming "silent hill" sound build for downpour.
Like i mentioned above graphics are not solid, but level design is refreshingly good, strong encounters will fastforward you to (res4) like the cabin lol.
Sounds very good in this department, cheesy as hell in the most awesomest way. (akira yamoaka) sounds really shine through this @#$ up game. while no logical reason to what the hell the lyrics are depicting they go so well towards the story's gameplay. like sushi light, a anglar fish that guides you safely past the darkness, between these moments you'll encounter the most stupidly obscured sound in the game that seems funny.
Pros: Great story, solid boss fights, cheesy ass hellll!! encounters in a good way, guns mimic vanquish in good way, if i had to sum this game up, it would be the better version of duke nukem that succeded where duke didn't (fan or not)
Great level design, invigoratingly cheesy sounds,
Cons: No replay value, while the story maybe good the game can easily be finished making it a renter, no game plus mode is offered in shadows of the damned, no way to change stance from left-right like in red dead redemtion or rainbow six vegas 2, or games that fall down this path no big deal but would be nice, The game could have been even funnier where johnson judges your sexuality when leaving the contoller while away or something funny. that feels flat. or even judge how useless your shooting is, or why a bad player wastes ammo, it may seem useless but it reinforces a bond between you and that annoying gun.
Final thoughts:
Strongly recommend renting it since gamespot gets free promotional games and you don't.
Go figure that games that deverve 8.5 are games with value as this is not value 7,5.