Shaq Fu on Super Nintendo is not as bad as people say, in fact, it's a good game.
Sh-aq wonders around a city, anxiously waiting for his big basketball game until he stumbles around a ku-ng fu do-jo. Inside the do-jo, he finds an ancient old man who tells him a boy named Ne-zu has been kidnapped and must rescue him in the "2nd World''.
Game play:
Nice fighting game play and moves. Controls are a little unresponsive at times though.
Cool 16-bit graphics and Sh-aq definitely looks like him. The enemies you meet are also nicely designed. Level layout is also perfectly well done.
D-pad for moving around. A for kicking. Y for punching. You can also use the D-pad along with pressing A and Y to do combo moves.
Lasting Appeal:
Not really a bad game as people, especially the Angry Video Game Nerd, say. In fact, it's a good game. 7 out of 10.