This game isn't as bad as everybody says, but it isn't that good either.
After all of this, you would think that there is actually nobody left who actually likes this game; but you would be wrong. I'm not saying that I particularly liker the game, but I'm not saying that I wish an eternity of torments in the abyss to any and all who had anything to do with the creation of this game. It really isn't that bad! (Blasphemy, I know. I'll probably get lynched for this) I've played it, and I kind of like it.
People oft times site the extreme difficulty of the game to be one of the major factors in their unrelenting hatred, but I seemed to be able to beat all the characters on the first level (I'm not sure if there are more levels) except for the mummy guy. It really isn't that hard. Are people aware that there are special attacks? Have people not noticed that the way to stay alive is the same as that of TMNT 2 for the NES? All you have to do is jump around a lot. I know it's hard, but please. Color Dreams games for the NES had far worse controls than this game, and I've beat one of them! This blind hatred has to stop. People need to actually try to play this game instead of just citing a "magical" website that tells you how to feel about it. The game play isn't that bad. The hit detection is bad, but it is playable.
The only thing that I'll give the haters is that the premise, on which the game was built, is a wee bit shaky. I mean it's about as believable as the bible. (True blasphemy…I'll probably get banned from GameSpot for this) Shaq walks into an Asian guys shop, and gets sequestered for a journey to the infamous 'second world' where some kid had been kidnapped. What a plot. I especially love the 'second world' part. These people obviously had no imaginations. But who's to say that the lack of imagination on the part of the creators makes this game a burden that existence should not have to suffer?
In conclusion, this game is no Virtua Fighter, but it isn't unplayable. The standard for video games should be playability, not plot quality. The SNES version however, is another story altogether.