Not worth it, totally not, just read here why. Avoid this game.
Gameplay 4 : What the....Scale is small, ship design isnt even complex, no ship classes actually, just different ships to give a name to, not really a different arsenal of weapons.
Uhmm..teamwork? i just put ships together in a group.
The move system is hard to learn as well, and not even usefull, i moved my ships wrong all the time, untill i got the hand of it, the meaning is that you move the camera all around!
As for tutorials, even worse, they are unclear, bad letters and the chat in the campaign is almost impossible to read since they reply very fast without voices and sometimes the text is trough another.
And what the hell is with this camera?!
I cant command ships like this.
Graphic`s 3 : This looks even worse than homeworld from 1999, seriously, what a junk.
Look, we dont need crysis`s eyecandy, but this is just horrible to see for a game in 2008.
Sound 6 : Sound is OK, not epic, but not bad eighter.
No furder comments.
Storyline 3 : Confusing, weird and hard to keep the text, you missed some stuff? good luck!
Overal, this game is not worth it, i suggest sins of a solar empire or homeworld 2, which are way better.
If you like the spacestation building or empire building, get space empires.
Avoid this game! not worth the money!!