a good war game
User Rating: 9.3 | Shattered Union XBOX
In this game you play as one of something factions that have their own advanteges and disadvanteges to their stock of units and resources. Being from Oklahoma i chose the Rpublic of Texas. Luckily the north and south of Texas are divided so you can seperate the hicks from the more civilized dudes.No offense to any southern Texaners for the stereo-typing. Any ways. Combat is pretty easy,you move a unit into range on a hex grid and choose wether or not to attack. They have War Hammer 40K style attack systems so an attacking unit gets one more attack than when it defends. My favorite unit is the Merl because of its long range missle volleys it can launch at enemys. Though the game is not for noob strategests it is easy to learn how to buy sell repair move and attack with units. Even on easy diffaculty the game has ridiculisly good AI in my opinion and accurate mapping. Though i think that Norman was kinda melded with OKC. Overall you can teach your mom or dad to play just don't make them go against a computer it will be way to much for them. The sound is really realistic as well. The story can leave you hoping it never happens in real life.