People even dare to compare this game with SSX?!? This is just a great game, with much Thps influences.
besides that, the game is really easy and fun to do. Combos are easily made, many side stuff to do like grinding cranes(..) which you could also call a Thps goal rip-off.. If you like to call it that way, fine by me. For instance, It's not that the 'Saint's Row' is ashamed of it either. And just like the Thps games, you can play this game for ever at many occasions.
I'm a fan of the graphics (hey, it's a 2001 game). the snow isn't blocky or anything. It's not that special compared to todays standards, but I don't care.
The sound is decent, but the music is good. Lots of great tracks, great boardable tracks, on this game. Guess you would agree when you like rock.
This is a good snowboarding game, that feels like a skateboarding game. I just couldn't stand it was compared to SSX, which plays completely different. Compare it with Thps ok, that's the only game you should never forget to mention. And remember, a fan of Thps could probably be a fan of this one. :-D