The game itself is fun, but the graphics are really what kills it for me.
First is the graphics. I can't stand the cartoony look on games like this. The SSX games were awesome because they were realistic in their cartooniness. This game just makes it too much of a cartoon for me to enjoy. The snow and stuff looks cool, but the the characters are just... blech. Also, along with the characters (of which there are only two), there are no customization options. There is a guy and a girl and you have to choose which one you race with. Not very fun there.
Second, I hate the camera system. Basically, whichever character you don't choose, that person is your cameraman/woman. The camera follows you well, but it sits at a weird angle a lot of the time, never really focused on your character. That just turned me off. I can't enjoy the game when the camera is wacky like that.
The game's not a horrible one. In fact, its pretty fun the first time through. I just can't get past those flaws in the camera/graphics system. I suggest you rent it before buying it. That way you can see if the problems I pointed out bother you.