my experience with this game is completely different to any other game i played

User Rating: 7 | ShellShock 2: Blood Trails PS3
now this game is one of those under-hyped games no one really got excited. therefore i budget of this game must of been small because of it. it had potential of being great. but it changed because some levels are great then some are utter dated and last gen. however its still very atmospheric even more when you turn off the crosshair.

gameplay: mostly like any first person shooter but with brutal twists. it has the generic quick time events well the ps3 version has motion controls and there functional nothing wrong with it. the shooting is solid however some weapons feel samey and shotgun is underpowered but when facing infected it build tension. some levels can be very enjoyable.

graphics: are a true mix bag, the more outside wide open levels you can see bad textures by distance its obvious that the engine has some flaws to it. close up on walls, grounds etc has nice textures even more in the dark and see light reflecting of walls. the explosions are somewhat dissapointing. very last gen. one set piece features a helicopter getting blown up. it completely killed it and looked last gen. the character models more of the infected are nicely detailed. but the gore is sick if you look into a headshot or disembered body.

sound: not much to say, the soldiers speak there original language which is nice. the infected screams and sound effects are nice, i jumped for the first time in a game because of it. however some weapons feel underpowered.

longevity: the main downfall, only 10 stages and not very long, its about 6 hours depending on the gamer. also not much replay value, there are 3 difficulties which is nice but i want to be rewarded, no trophies aswell sadly as this game passed classification before 09. and no extras.

overall: its not amazing its got some flaws but enjoyable and very atmospheric, the story is also interesting. this game is very brutal and if you want a gory somewhat budget game then this might appeal to you. its not cod standards (though i think cod is over-rated) mainly if you get passed presentation issues you should enjoy it. its not for the young though lots of profanity, sick gore scenes and some disturbing scenes (like people suffering from shellshock so gets his throat slit to keep quiet)