another lazy bargain bin fps
it's just packed full of bad/lazy design and glitches. the voice acting is actually alright and it seemed like it had a decent plot/premise behind all the flaws...but it was so boring to play, I just stopped caring.
and of course the graphics are not that great. it looks almost like an original xbox game at times. I'm not primarily graphic based. if a game looks a few years old but is well done, I can get into it. but with a game this poor it's just another negative mark on the list of problems.
I'm sure as usual you will see people trying to rationalize how this is really a great underrated psychological thriller...believe me I wish it was. it reminds me of Legendary in a way. good intentions and some clever, but poorly implemented ideas. somewhere along the line they just stopped trying and figured "eh, good enough." and a month or two from now you will see this for $19.99 in bargain bins where it belonged in the first place.