boring and repetitive
User Rating: 2.8 | ShellShock: Nam '67 PS2
This game was looking quite good in the previews so I bought it without waiting for the reviews. At first I was quite impressed. The idea of walking around the firebase inbetween missions was good but there was no real incentive to do so after the first time round. The first firefight wasn't bad either, pretty chaotic and the enemy AI seemed ok. Further on in the game nothing had really changed, it was more of the same with no real evolution or new elements to draw the player in. Most or the time it felt like a normal corridore shooter, even when outside it fealt like I was being steered along a set path. As far as replay value goes there is no incentive to go back through the game whatsoever. The enemy seems to behave the same at all dificulty levels. I think I'll wait for killzone to come out and trade this on it at EB.