"A masterpiece of a game"

User Rating: 9.8 | Shenmue II XBOX
I'm going to be honest, before I got this game, I'd never heard of the Shenmue series, but I'm very happy I got this game. Even though I didn't know the whole story of the first one, this game comes with a DVD that chronicles all the major plot points of Shenmue 1, I must say that this game has one of the best stories in a game I've ever seen. You play as young Ryo Hazuki, who is looking for the man who killed his father, Lan Di. Shenmue II takes place right where Shenmue left off, Ryo has left Yokosuka, Japan to seek out a man called Yuanda Zhu, who may have info about where Lan Di is, in Hong Kong, China. Many people say this game is only for diehard fans, but I am living proof that they are wrong. The game is simply huge as you explore virtual Hong Kong (perhaps other cities, but I won't spoil anything) looking for people or answers to riddles, you can talk to anyone on the street to find things out. The graphics aren't special, but they're not bad, just like the Dreamcast. Some of the voiceovers are annoying, but they're tolerable and some minigames are tedious, but only people with little patience will hate this game. Go pick this game up in a bargain bin, now if you don't have it.