When you're taLking about a PERFECT game then it's for sure SHENMUE!

User Rating: 10 | Shenmue: Isshou Yokosuka DC
Shenmue is the game that I BeLieve that has no error! This game is perfect, revoLutionary and exceLLent. Shenmue made me Love sega and I sureLy respect Seabass Taktasuka (shenmue founder). In shenmue you can do aLmost everything(drink, pLay and aLso interact with the society) but as you have these cooL features beLieve me you'LL not have time to drink and pLay and interact cause you wiLL be THIRSTY to know what happens through the story, you'LL feeL addicted to it and sometimes you may try to stop pLaying but you reaLLy want to know what happens in the game! Shenmue is the perfect game and it RULES.