Chi-You-Mans Shenmue Review
Shenmue is an epic piece of video-gaming which begins in a small area of japan,a prosperous community.
You play as an 18 year old karate student named ryo hazuki,who is on a quest to avenge his father,who was killed by an evil chinese man called Lan di..Why was ryo's father killed? well that is for you to find out.Ryo watches his own father being killed via martial arts and is determined to avenge his murder.
With only his closest allies Ine-san and fuku-san to guide him he sets of on an adventure of action,adventure and kung fu.
Now shenmue could well be the most realistic game you ever play.Every NPC has there own personal AI,daily routine,and they are all voiced and are affected by ryo's actions towards them.
It is jam packed of great functions,ryo can go down to the arcade for a play on real SEGA arcade game such as hang on,or he can go down to his local chinese.He can even go shopping in convenience stores.
Shenmue also gives you the opportunity to get ryo a job driving forklifts,a highly enjoyable feature.
Ryo used a unique style of jujitsu to beat up anybody who challenges him,using moves from the virtua fighter series.It also produces a 'QTE' feature,(Quick Time event),where buttons appear on the screen and you must press that button in order for ryo to execute that action correctly.
The storyline is simple but stunning as you interact with other characters and objects in order to help your quest or for your own personal enjoyment.Don't feel like doing goals? go out an explore the local community,play darts,train karate,phone your mates,drink a coke the fun is endless in is JUST like real in the shoes of ryo,and decide his fate.
Any flaws?none at all in my opinion but thats for you to decide.
Who is this aimed at? anybody who likes: Beat 'em ups,RPGs,simulators,racers,adventure,mystery all mixed into one.However if you like absoloutly nothing more than FPS's than look elsewhere,but even so its worth checking out.
You'll love it and if you have a dreamcast and not this you are crazy,heck its EVEN WORTH BUYING A DREAMCAST FOR!.