This title is the best,a complete detective game. It is logical with related puzzles. For those who are sm
It is logical with related puzzles.
For those who are smart like Sherlock.
After all waiting for this I think it worth much to buy and play this one.
Secret of the Silver Earring has a good and strange story which keeps you alive during the game,I don't remember getting bored playing the game.
The story line of Secret of the Silver Earring is realistic and logical and it does not include some magical or super human creatures which I hate too see in detective games.
The dialogues are perfect, you can ask different question form people, which I think it is the best feature of the game.
About the environment and music I should say it has been done perfectly, you really feel you are in the 19th century.
Downsides are:
The time element is not effective in the game,you can examine something forever; that is not realistic.
The game lacks flexibility, when there could be dozens of solutions for a problem or puzzle but you are limited to one choice; that is not creative.
At the end I should say, I want to play as a detective to solve the mystery of the game not as a puzzle solver who bought a puzzle magazine.