Review: SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI: Digital Devil Saga 2
After playing Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga I could not wait to play the direct sequel Digital Devil Saga 2.
If I were to tell you the story of Digital Devil Saga 2 it would spoil the game for Digital Devil Saga 1. So let me just say that after the surprising cliffhanger ending to Digital Devil Saga1, Serph the hero of Digital Devil Saga Must now find his allies again
If it is possible Digital Devil Saga 2 looks even better than in the previous game! Things are far more refined graphically than they were in Digital Devil Saga 1, or at the least things are crisper, and clearer. This takes the already beautiful graphics of the Series and makes them to some of the best graphics seen on the PS2's current hardware.
The Music is every bit as dark and cryptic as in the other games in the series, The excellent voice acting has returned from original adventure, the but once again I still would have liked to have had more variety in the sounds of my enemies, and allies during battle.
Game play:
Digital Devil Saga 2 controls almost exactly like Digital Devil Saga 1 with a couple of changes. As with the original each character has their strengths and weaknesses that must be taken into account. But their attacks do not have to be limited to the types that their demon form has given them. The system to learn new skills has been changed to be a little easier to understand by newcomers to the series, and yet still present challenges to vets of the series. As in Digital Devil Saga 1 the Characters also have the option to revert to their human form which can come in handy because some enemies are weaker to your human form. If there is one gripe it is that there are not many new enemies to contend with.
One real good thing is that you do not need to play Digital Devil Saga 1 to play or enjoy Digital Devil Saga 2, however if you really want the full epic feel of this game you will want to play the first so I would recommend it. As I stated earlier, the designers of Digital Devil Saga 2 took the already beautiful world of Digital Devil Saga 1 and not only improved upon it, but surpassed everything that they had attempted before in the other Shin Megami Tensei games on the PS2. The story's dark overtones and adult characters set this game apart for the rest of the glut of RPG's on the PS2. There are also some fun mini games for the player to enjoy. all is not perfect though I would have liked to see some different basic enemies than what have been in Nocturen and Digital Devil Saga, especally since this is supposed to be a different game if you know what I mean.
As I did with the first Digital Devil Saga, I highly recommend this game especially if you are a fan of RPG's, Anime, or just looking for a quality PS2 game. But I implore you to play the first game before you play the second game. But I do say to buy it before the limited amount of copies of this game disappears forever.
Game play
Fun factor
Average score
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2:
Jaw Dropping Graphics
Great Story
Tight Control
Improved Camera Angles
Simplified learning grid
Copied and pasted Enemies from DDS1