Digital Devil Saga is an average RPG with a unique setting that sets it apart.

User Rating: 7.1 | Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga PS2
Overall, Digital Devil Saga's gameplay mechanics are not anything revolutionary, nor anything to set it apart. Its battle system is turn based, but still enjoyable, its customization in levelling up has already become RPG standard, and its many other elements are done well.

The only thing that sets it apart in the RPG realm is its unique setting, which is not only dark and disturbing, but also uniquely interesting and immersive.

Gameplay: Digital Devil Saga is set in a dark world, a world that is not filled with hope, but with dread, and brute force is the only power that reigns supreme. In this wasteland known as Junkyard, demons reign after a catastrophe occurs. All of this can be surmised in the introduction to the game.

This unique setting allows for some fairly interesting plot points, along with some absolutely superb characterization. Each character is unique and highly interesting. The story is laid out before you piece by piece through some wonderfully polished cut scenes, and it is a story worth experiencing for any Role-Playing veteran who has grown tired of the same old stuff over and over.

Sadly, the mechanics of the game sometimes seem nearly archaic. Dungeon designs are good, yet often daunting. While this could be seen by some as a challenge, it often just seems to be a major annoyance. The layouts of some of these dungeons are extremely confusing and can often be frustrating, despite the well done maps.

Battles can also tend to be on the annoying side. A challenge in a game is certainly a pleasure to have, yet not at the price of the fun factor. Normal enemies cause every status ailment in the book, and you must learn to counter these quickly, if you're going to move to the next level. This level of difficulty and challenge is quite high, but sometimes it just seems artificial and forced.

The battle system is turn based and allows for combination attacks with your characters. It makes few changes to the genre that have not been seen before, but the overall polish of the battle system and the flow are both top notch.

Graphics: It is hard to judge the graphics of Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. The mixed grayscale of color often seems dull, but also adds to the stylish, dark feel of the game. The perpetual darkness of just about every scene in the game lends to the feeling of terror and fear inspired by its strange enemies and environs.

The graphics are stylistically wonderful and add a lot to the overall feel of the game, yet often they feel rather dull. Fortunately, overall, they are quite good.

Sound: The voice acting for Digital Devil Saga is nothing short of superb. Every character's voice matches his or her personality about as perfectly as could be accomplished.

The music matches the scenery quite well, but sometimes just feels dull and muted. Most of the music, however, is top notch.

Value: Digital Devil Saga is certainly worth the purchase, but because of the story, you will almost certainly need to purchase Digital Devil Saga 2 in order to fully enjoy the game. While the game is good on its own, the cliff hanger ending is out of place and rather annoying.

Tilt: I enjoyed Digital Devil Saga somewhat less than I thought I would. Every moment spent playing it I kept trying to like it more, yet I could not. Perhaps it was the overall darkness of the game, dampening my mood, but I don't believe so, in fact, the darkness of the game is what made it more interesting. The characters and story are both great, and overall it's a good game, I just wish I could have enjoyed it more.

I'll be playing Digital Devil Saga 2 shortly, so look forward to the upcoming review to the final chapter of the Saga.