Digital Devil Saga's not your everyday turn based RPG. with a much darker tone aimed at a mature audience, DDS's not your run of the mill RPG also. Its got a lot that non-RPG vets may not know about, i.e. youve got to kill your opponents based on their weaknesses most of the time, if not you'll get to see the game over screen quite a lot. Bosses can be manageable if you can figure out how they attack, which can take several game overs if your not too keen on their patterns. The game doesnt really rely on 'leveling up' as in most RPGs. Since the skills you learn are far more important than your current levels. But dont let that bother you, since you need quite a high level to take on the bonus bosses that are placed in the game to slay, and there's quite a handful of them to say the least, and they're not that easy to take down. DDS soundtrack is one of the best ive heard in years, much like castlevania's guitar pieces which are very 'blood pumping'. The game itself's got a lot to offer once you've done the main storyline, bonus bosses as i've said before, and i must say trying to slay the hardest bonus boss ever in my opinion. and trying to get all your mantra skills. Think of the mantra grid as the sphere grid in FFX, and you'll get the idea. other than the fact that it may take a while for some to get the gameplay to defeat the demons in the game, its a high recommendation for RPG fans by me. if you can find a copy of it since its a bit uncommon to rare nowadays.
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