This game is truly amazing. I loved it from the moment I started to play it.
User Rating: 10 | Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne PS2
This is by far the best RPG I have ever played. If you are a fan of RPGs, then this title is a must. GAMEPLAY- People seem to compare this game to Pokemon, but I would have to disagree. In Pokemon you weaken an enemy and thn throw a little ball at them and "catch" them. In this game the only thing that is close is the negotiation process. Here you offer a demon a position on your team. They will then proceed to ask for money and then ask a question about your values and will join you based on how you react towards them. But this is the only thing. Most of the time you get your demons through the highly addictive fusion where you fuse two demons together to get a completely different demon. The fighting system is fully turn-based. But this game uses something called press-turn icons. Whenever you score a critical hit or exploit an enemy's weakness, you get an extra press turn icon. This can lead to up to 8 turns per battle. And if you hit an enemy's strength, then you use up two icons. But at times you attack an enemy and don't get a single turn. This adds a strong element of strategy to the table. Another thing is that the enemies also have the same issues. If an enemy attacks you at your strength, they lose turns. This is vital for those boss battles. Also there is a very deep story. It looks shallow on the surface, but once you get into it, I promise that it will be one of the most in depth stories ever. This game does test your morals and is extremely fun while it does it. GRAPHICS- This is the first time I have played an RPG using cell-shaded graphics. It works very well and flows very well. But this is actually a beautiful game in my opinion. It gets psychedelic at times but still works with the amazing gameplay and story. SOUND-This is also one of the best sounding games I have ever heard. If you get the directors cut you also get free copy of the game's soundtrack. This is one of the best soundtracks to a video game I have ever listened to. The music never gets boring and doesn't start to drive you crazy like other RPGs. The sound department is still perfect. Overall, I would say that this game is worth every penny. But it is rare and sells fast wherever you find it. It becomes more difficult to find everyday. But this is still the best RPG I have ever played. And if you like RPGs, you will be instantly hooked.