Megaten - Imagine The Shin Megami series new MMORPG, Free to Play, Highly addictive, what more can you ask

User Rating: 9 | Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine PC
The Shin Megami Tensei series, Megaten for short, has leaped onto the MMORPG scene with its new downloadable Real-Time Combat game Imagine from Aeria Games.
Based in-between the 1st and 2nd games in terms of storyline, the game allows players to run around, kill demons and look stylish while doing so!

This game has something other games outside the Megaten series don't have, the ability to negotiate with demons and fuse them into stronger breeds. Not only can you kill demons, you can train them, all 100+ of them!

The game has two main focuses of play. Firstly there is the storyline, consisting of you, a New Demon Buster, completing over 15 acts (Missions) which can have up to 5-6 sub-missions or objectives, it makes for one long story. The second aspect of the game is the ability to do what you like, you can forget about the story and simply train your character, collect demons or items, or simply socialise with other players. Apart from the main storyline there are normal quests, which you can obtain from almost any NPC.

The character customisation is immense! You can, on character creation, choose the size, gender, face, hair, hair colour, eye colour, clothes and starting weapon. Once you have created your character and completed the Tutorial (Takes around 5-10 minutes) you are free to buy any peices of armour or clothes you like to style your Demon Buster as well as which demons you decide to use, no two characters are ever the same! The armour itself doesn't give much more of a stat boost than other clothes. This means that a lot of the time you simply buy items on looks and appearance!

The character creation goes even deeper, in order to learn new skills, you need to choose which Expertise you wish to develop. Some let you acquire attacking skills, others, passive skills to help you in combat and other situations. Ther are over 25 different expertise to develop, with Chain Expertise being unlocked from the basic Expertise, with even more Expertise not yet added to the game. You also acquire attribute points when you level up. You use these to increase any of the 6 primary attributes.

The combat system consists of real-time action. Depending on what type of weapon you use changes what type of style you play with. There are three classes of weapons/abilities.
Close-Range: Ranging from 1 or 2handed swords to Spears to Clubs covered with spikes.
Gunner: Form Handguns to Shotguns to Sniper rifles.
Mage: Magic, both aggressive and supportive, and even curative, is the mages weapon.

The combat is really tactical too. A demon or player, when attacking, can only attack in a combo of 3 before the enemy is blasted back. This means you do not simply keep pressing the same button all the time, you have to think about what you are doing, or you die! Death in the game is another aspect which is unique to this game. When you die you get three options, 1) return home and lose only a tiny bit of exp, 2) be resurected at this location and lose some exp, or 3) be resurected by another player, or your demon, and lose no exp. You may think, 'hmm...option 3!' but as when you enter a dungeon, which you make yourself by setting the difficulty level, you enter it with only your party of players or alone. Meaning you have to ressurect where you are, which in a dungeon is the entrance, and losing 2-4% exp of your way to the next level. If you keep dying you find yourself on 0% exp to the next level for quite a long time. This does mean though that the really skilled players are rewarded with faster leveling up as they do not die.

The game itself is Free to download, all you need to do is make an account with Aeria Games! Which is also free to do! There is a charge somewhere though, as with all games, however this charge is not compulsory! You only have to pay for Aeria Points. These are used to buy in-game items, rare/special ones, or to buy a new character. You get one free character, and if you want another one you either buy a slot, for 500 Aeria points, or delete the current one and make a new one.

There are problems with the game though. The first is there is a laggy element to it at times, even when the game is running perfectly. For example you activate skill, which gets readied, but doesnt do anything, meaning you have to use it again. The second problem is that there are some bugs too. These are mainly unoticable though.

Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 9/10
Control: 8/10
Game Speed: 9/10
Enjoyability: 10/10

Overall: 9/10

My advice to anyone would be get the game, its well worth the time, and its free to play!!

Link to Aeria Games(To see what other games they have):
Link to Megaten (To download Game or get more info):