Persona 3 + New Content + A sequel + Only $30 = A must buy for Persona fans and even people new to the series
There are two episodes now:
The Journey which is the original is now enhanced with a slew of new content, the most noticeable being the ever so wanted Hard Mode and it's no push over ever and don't expect any Plume of Dust :P
There is also a new Social Link, the Aeon Arcana, which is also the World or The Universe arcana, I know what your thinking "If they're adding another Social Link then it's gonna be ever harder to max everything!!" Well your wrong, it's actually EASIER. Don't believe me? I'll tell you why!
Devil Has been moved to night time and all Social Links require less points to level them up, so you'd still have some extra days after maxing all the social links.
There are lots of other stuff too, 28 New personas, New cut scenes, new dialogs, new Shrine Fuctions and the Arcade having some actual use. That would be about half of everything in the game so figure it out yourself, though you could try the Persona 3 FES forums (The one shared by Gamefaqs) for more info.
The Answer:
The Answer is a sequel to the original Story of Persona 3, or The Journey or even an Epilogue if you will. Normally you'd think "Oh sweet! More S.Links and stuff! It's gonna rock" well sorry to burn the hype with a shovel but sadly no. They are no Social Links, Shops, Requests and even the Compendium is gone, yes it's a 30 Hour Dungeon grind. I know, sucks doesn't it? But then you'd be looking at the Broken Glass in the Buffet of mouth watering food fit for a king. You are getting some good props here: New playable and story characters, new dungeons, new cut scenes and NEW SOUNDTRACKS (BABY BABY!!! I love Heartful Cry, what do you like?) which is totally awesome for me ;)
There is no Hard or Easy mode, the difficulty is set on Normal, but don't let that deceive you, The Answer is HARD, the loss of the compendium just doubles that you know?
Overall: Persona 3 FES is a fantastic expansion, the sequel may be disappointing but don't expect new gameplay, it is just part of the expansion after all but besides the tiny problems, well it isn't exactly a problem but this game is only $30 which is a discount from the original counting that this is the original PLUS A truck load of new content.
Persona 3 FES is worth the buy, the price of $30 is just another great reason to get this game to your PS2's library.
And if you think PS2 is dieing then HOLD it. Persona 4 is coming out late this year so don't give up on PS2 yet.
But in case you got excited when I said Persona 4: