A must-have game for your ps2, man. Great story, great gameplay. What more could you want?
Graphics – Since we have started a new console generation with the Wii, Xbox 360 and the PS3, playing the PS2 to graphics wise is pretty hard. But, the game has pretty good graphics for a PS2 game. The game doesn't have super great graphics like FFXII, but it doesn't come to the point where it gets troublesome to see or read words.
Controls – The controls are perfect for the game. Since it is an RPG game, there isn't a lot of button to mash on which is a good thing. Keeping it simple to the gamer, but not too simple is always essential to keep a game enjoyable.
Length – There isn't much to say about length to an RPG game as well as this, but if you want to obtain everything such as Personas and such, expect to play for about 60+ hours. Nowadays RPG games are never shorter than that.
Gameplay – Now for the main event! The story to the game is so awesome they should make a best-selling book out of it. IT you happen to want this game is sure to check out the original to keep up with the game story wise. The fighting is great to since you can collect around 100 personas to cause havoc on your foes. The game also has ort of a Sims addition to it to upgrade your character to battle effectively.
Overall the game is an awesome addition to the almost extinct Playstation 2. If you want a good and new RPG game to try out and succeed, the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES I that game!