Persona 3 is an awesome game, and highly addictive once you get into it.
A mix of relationship building and action/adventure, all warped up nicely under a RPG blanket, along with humorous dialog and an intriguing story makes P3 well worth the buy.
You play as X (X being what ever you name your character Lol) a mysterious high schooler who's life becomes very complicated after he signs a contract with a ghostly boy.
Straight after that everything seemingly goes to hell with the appearance of the Shadows, a life form that prey on humans, during a special time during the day.
Over all, the game is solid, well built and coded, and full of plot twists to keep you hooked, not to mention the teenage angst that fills the dialog of the younger characters.
I loved this game, but it was only after I got hooked into the story completely that I loved it, before then just getting past the first few floors of Tarterus was enough to temporarily put me off of it.
It is a fairly long game, take the course of a year in-game to complete.
I have logged over 200 hours on it and still have not attained even 70% of all the persona's that there are.
If you enjoy rpg's, comedy, and drama then this is the game for you.