one of the 5 best rpg of ps2 in a special extended version

User Rating: 9 | Persona 3: Fes PS2
there is a hour hidden after 0.00 this hour is called the dark hour and only a few persons have the potencials to maintain their human form, everyone else is transported into a coffin. you are one of the persons who has the potencial. you join a group that is trying to find a form to stop the dark hour. persons that have the potencial can summon a persona,a strong creature that has powers depending on your personality. but your power is different you can summon different personas even switching them in a moment. the world will end in one year, and you are the key of salvation.

this will be the begining of one of the greates storys you have ever seen in a videogame,the long extencion of the game and the tons of dialoges will catch you until the very end and it will come a moment when you could even feel emotions related to the characters

now to the game itself, you have everytime a month till the next boss appears in this time you have to explore a tower called tartarus to level up and get the personas you need.

the time sistem is not complicated, and doesn't represent real time.
a normal day startes with you going to school and normaly anwering a question from the teacher,after this moment you end school and have the option of going home and go to tartarus or spend a little time with frends, this thing is important because depending on the relationship with them you personas will get extra experience points when you fuse them.
some days you won't have the option to go to tartarus because you have exams or you characters are tired.

in battle you only take direct control of you character and give some orders to the rest. this is to give you more the sensationt that your character represents you and the other have their own lives.

one of the characteristics of the game is that anithins in it has something that you haven't seen in another rpg.

the edition fes has not only the normal mode(90-120 hours aprox.) it has also a new adventuere called the answer that is a cut down version of the story mode but continues the great story(arround 30 hours).

the lacks of the game are that tartarus is too repetitive I know a few players that stoped playing because they were bored of tartarus and sometimes the game is very hard making you die after every two steps if you are a little bit careless this are the only lacks that separate this game from perfection