Friends, i kid you not when i say i haven't played a good PSP game in ages. ..Until Now.
Story 10/10
A really nice and epic story, with a few twists.With an Awesome main cast. And with the dialogue you can TELL this game is aimed at teenagers. You might actually find yourself laughing out loud(LOLing) a few times.
Gameplay 9.9/10
The gameplay is pretty awesome, the Boss battles are challenging and at just the right diffuculty. Okay truth be told the 12 Shadow kicked my ass a few times but still the difficulty is where it should be. The reason it gets a 9.9 is because of the Graphic Novel style, while it does give it a "Portable PS2 game" feel it does kinda piss you off when it's suppose to be an animated cutscene and all you see are still pictures. Especially during the ecchi Yukari shower scene! *tear rolls down cheek*.
Sound 10/10
The sound in the game is wonderful! Truly incredible, since this is the first Shin Megami Tensei game i've played, i don't know if the awesome-music-that-perfectly-suits-the-mood is a Shin Megami Tensei thing. But in this, that perfect tune is always playing at just the right time. Hell you might even find yourself downloading a song or two (I did)
Overall 9.5/10
Overall the game is a masterpiece. And since i tried the PS2 version i wouldn't really say this is a direct port. More of a "2 steps back one step forward" kinda deal. Since they took out the anime cutscenes( T_T ) but added an extra storyline. All in all This game is a MUST if you own a PSP and like RPGS or if you just need a reason to start loving your PSP again.